Wednesday, December 28, 2011

What is the best way to go about picking a hair dresser?

My hair is very important to me. It's really long but I like a few layers in it to give it more body. Many times I have chosen hair stylists and I can tell them to trim it and sometimes I get one who doesn't seem to know what trim means.What is the best way to go about picking a hair dresser?
There are several ways to find a good hair stylist.

1) Ask your friends and family for a recommendation.

2) Check out different salons in your area. You can even stake them out and watch people leaving to see if you like the styles.

3) Trial and error.

4) When you see someone with a great style, as them about it.

I was a regular at a salon, but kept asking for different people until I found a great woman. She's been my exclusive stylist for over eight years. When she left the salon to start her own, I followed her, as did most of her customers. A good stylist is one for life.What is the best way to go about picking a hair dresser?
where ever you go ask them how long they Ben doing this and lets see some of your work.
Good word of mouth is a way to find any reliable service.
Ask people whose hair you like who does theirs. Set an appointment for an interview before you ever make an appointment for a service. Ask them what they think ';trim'; means. Talk to him or her about what's important to you--easy care, latest styles, etc. Ask how often they attend workshops and such to make sure they are aware of current styles and how to create them. Make sure you click with the stylist before you ever let him or her touch your hair. It's worth the time involved.
Absolutely word of mouth. Do approach someone with hair you like, especially if the kind of hair (fine, frizzy, etc...) resembles yours. Better yet, observe a friend or a neighbor or a colluegue over time. If you always like their hair, then ask about their stylist. Ask things that matter to you, like does he/she suggest things, does he/she follow your wishes, etc...
Stand outside the shop and see the hairstyles of the people that are coming out. Do you like them or not ? That's your best choice !.
Notice someone with a great haircut

and ask them who does their hair.

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